Organic bees wax
from German, Austrian and Italian apiculture
We source organic bees wax exclusively from German, Austrian and Italian beekeepers committing themselves to Bioland, Naturland, or EU-organic standards. Since we provide our partners’ wax on the market, we offer them another source of sustainable income – next to marketing honey.
This is why our bees wax is a hand-in-hand-approach: On the one hand, we know the product from the very beginning to the final product. On the other hand, we strengthen the maintainance of organic agriculture.
By dowing so, our bees wax supports ecologically sustainable ways of agriculture. Thus, organic beekeeping can flourish while organic agriculture can prosper in general.

We exclusively work with small and medium-sized German, Austrian and Italian beekeepers.
In order to take care of their bees with passion, it is ensured that neiter bee clipping nor other forms of conventional apiculture take place.
In contrast, our partners’ ways of working with their bee hives is sustainable and based on animal welfare.
To sum up: We stand out for premium bees wax from organic certified apiaries.
Copyright: WALA Heilmittel GmbH, naturamus GmbH, Kerstin Braun
Why sourcing organic bees wax from us
- 100 % Transparent supply chain
- Certified apiculture: Bioland, Naturland and/or EU-Bio standards
- Apiculture from Germany, Austria and Italy
- No bee clipping
- Gentle cleaning and pastillation in Germany
- Fragrant, bright and supple genuine quality
- Strengthening organic agriculture and apiculture
- Protecting environment and nature
- Safeguarding another source of sustainable income to our partners – next to marketing honey
- Genuine certified quality from the very beginning to the final product
- Creating local added value
Organic bees wax from
German, Austrian and Italian apiculture
To ensure ecologically sustainable agriculture and apiculture
Copyright: WALA Heilmittel GmbH, naturamus GmbH, Kerstin Braun
Organic bees wax safeguarding organic agriculture
Bees wax is a highly effective consistency provider. We consider it a valuable natural resource for food, skin care, and decorative cosmetics. But according to climate and environmental effects on apiculture, bees wax is a rare source.
In order to preserve this rare resource on the one hand while safeguarding organic agriculture on the other, we execlusively provide organic bees wax. Becase it is obvious: Without bees there is almost no plant growing due to the bees’ pollination. Our partners give best to protect the bees’ valuable ecosystems to preserve the natural way of pollination for now and future generation.
Thus, our partners protect biodiversity now to ensure long-lasting opportunities of beekeeping for the future.
To sum up: Since we support our partners, we, firstly, contribute to ensure sustainable livelihoods of organic beekeppers, secondly, protect our environment, and thirdly strengthen ecological agriculture.
Copyright: WALA Heilmittel GmbH, naturamus GmbH, Deniz Saylan