Organic waxes:
transparency meets organic livestock farming
pioneering sourcing partner
for organic waxes
We offer rarities such as the first organic certified wool wax | lanolin worldwide right next to organic bees wax from Germany, Austria and Italy. As a pioneering sourcing partner, we and our Argentinian co-worker, Fuhrmann Argentina, have developed the first certified organic lanolin worldwide. Additionally, we offer German and Austrian beekeepers another source of income by providing yellow organic bees wax.

Wool wax | lanolin from organic livestock
Since antiquity, lanolin (wool wax) has been almost indispensable for the production of ointments and natural remedies. Nevertheless, the world market has lacked organic lanolin, so far. You will be surprised as lanolin is a natural raw material. We have been closing this gap. After seven years of development, we are proud to offer the first organic lanolin worldwide – COSSMOS and NATRUE certified.

Organic bees wax from organic apiculture
We provide bees wax from German, Austrian and Italian organic apiculture. Most of our partners are Bioland-certified, others are Naturland- or organic certified. By marketing bees wax, apiaries are able to tap into another source of income in addition to their honey production. This side-line safeguards the beekeepers’ financial independence and, thus, preserves organic agriculture.
Copyright: naturamus GmbH, WALA Heilmittel GmbH, Kreation Grafik, Arne Schneider, Timothy Barnes, Kerstin Braun, Adobe Stock (licenced), Fuhrmann Argentina