We offer fairly traded organic avodado oil from our long-lasting partner Limbua
We offer fairly traded organic avocado oil from our long-lasting partner Limbua to ensure sustainable livelihoods for Kenyan smallholders.
We have been working with our German-Kenyan sourcing partner, Limbua, since 2014. Today, more than 6 000 smallholders and their families from the region around Embu are associated with Limbua. Among other crops, they plant avocados and macadamia nuts in a socially and ecologically sustainable approach. The naturamus GmbH is the main marketing partner of Limbua for freshly pressed avocado oil, organic, FFL and macadamia nut oil, cold pressed, organic, FFL.
While Limbua produces avocado oil by itself in Embu, the naturamus GmbH presses organic and FFL-certified macadamia nuts into cold pressed macadamia nut oil in its own manufacture in Weilheim / Teck.

Naturamus and Limbua have started to work together in order to strengthen the farming, processing, and marketing of macadamia and avocado oil.
Both partners established their partner portfolio driven by three principles: (1) climate change resilience; (2) agricultural practices in line with local culture; (3) agricultural practices that meet the people’s agro-ecological knowledge.
Fairly traded organic avocado oil from our naturamus-Limbua partnership
We continuously look for new ways of doing business together in order to strengthen sustainable livelihoods of Kenyan smallholders. The “super fruit” avocado has evolved from a trend-product to an essential resource for organic food and natural cosmetics. Growing and marketing organic avocados and its oil is, therefore, a profitable way for naturamus and LIMBUA in order to grow together sustainably.
We continuously look for new ways of doing business together in order to strengthen sustainable livelihoods of Kenyan smallholders.
The “super fruit” avocado has evolved from a trend-product to an essential resource for organic food and natural cosmetics. Growing and marketing organic avocados and its oil is, therefore, a profitable way for naturamus and LIMBUA in order to grow together sustainably.
We like working together with our long-lasting partner Limbua to offer fairly traded organic avocado oil
ensuring sustainable livelihoods | ethical sourcing | ecological sustainability
Fairly traded organic avocado oil
Together, the two partners Limbua and naturamus work on joint strategic development issues such as optimizing composting, modern and sustainable agricultural systems, and questions of energy production. Therefore, naturamus supports Limbua in different ways:
- By offering avocado oil, naturamus and Limbua offer Kenyan smallholders another source of sustainable income next to macadamia nuts
- This allows Limbua and its partners to plan for the long term and provides economic security
- In addition, naturamus supports the local Fair for Life fund organized by Limbua. A committee of Limbua employees and smallholders decides autonomously on the use of the money.
The commitment of Limbua spreads far into the region: Firstly, people see that the added value remains in Embu. Secondly, further education and training is actively promoted. And thirdly, prices stay stable while loans are fair and transparent.
COSSMA article
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Let's grow together
It’s in our nature
Quality of natural cosmetic raw materials
Let's grow together
It’s in our nature
Behind the scenes: Get a closer look into the production facilities of Limbua

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Get to know our long-lasting partner Limbua
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hydrolates | rose oil | waxes | oils
Copyright: naturamus GmbH, WALA Heilmittel GmbH, Kreation Grafik, Arne Schneider, Timothy Barnes, Kerstin Braun, Adobe Stock (licenced), Fuhrmann Argentina